The Crown Chakra represents union, bliss, and the knowledge of being at one with all and is the center of the spirit and consciousness.
What are Chakras?

Chakras are the “Subtle Energy” center and part of your “Energy Body.”
Throughout history, several philosophies, mystic traditions, religions, and alternative medicine frameworks have included the concept of state, which is connected to overall health and the evolution of consciousness.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, disc, or circle and refers to the shape of this subtle energy structure.
However, accounts seen through clairvoyance describe them as a cone with a tip close to a person’s skin.
As non-physical structures, they belong to the extra-physical dimension.
Therefore, you cannot feel them using your physical senses, such as touch or sight.
Detecting their existence involves perceiving your bio-energies (subtle energies) through psychic ability.
And yes, you can learn and perceive yours through study, technique, and persistence without including religious beliefs, rituals, or innate skills.
The number of Chakras and their position varies considerably depending on which source you are consulting.
In conscientiology, a neo-science of consciousness, the model adopted includes seven main ones while acknowledging that the number can be in the tens of thousands when counting the secondary and peripheral ones.

The Crown Chakra represents union, bliss, and the knowledge of being at one with all and is the center of the spirit and consciousness.
When balanced, it brings knowledge, connection, and bliss. You are open to new ideas, receive the information you need, and are guided by inner wisdom.
Cosmic consciousness and peace are the frequencies of this Chakra.
The very top of the head.
Inner and outer beauty, spiritual connection.
Clear quartz.
This Chakra is associated with the color Violet.
“I am a vessel for love and light.”
Bija Mantras
Om, Ah, or Soham.
“I am that I am.”
When the Crown Chakra develops
43-49 years old.
When Crown Chakra is Blocked
If your Crown Chakra becomes disturbed, you might not see much beauty in the world.
You may also feel spiritually adrift and experience symptoms of depression.
If you’re only starting to develop this block type, you might notice a decline in overall excitement or motivation.
When the Crown Chakra is blocked, it may create feelings of isolation or emotional distress—feeling disconnected from everyone and everything.
Or, you might feel like your usual self—just not in an exalted state of spiritual connection and enlightenment, which is totally okay and seriously normal.
Physically, a blocked Crown Chakra can also co-occur as problems with physical coordination or chronic headaches.
Unlike the other Chakras, the Crown Chakra is often only fully opened up through specific yogic or meditative exercises or at certain times—a skill set you cannot call upon at any given moment.
You may taste it through daily practices—from meditation and prayer to moments of silence and gratitude—to have those moments of spiritual connection.
The following are symptoms of an overactive Crown Chakra:
- Cynicism.
- Apathy.
- Disconnecting from your spirituality.
- Self-destructive tendencies.
Meanwhile, the following are common symptoms of an underactive Crown Chakra:
- Confusion about what you want to do.
- Lack of inspiration.
- Desire to oversleep.
The Crown Chakra’s meaning is also connected to physical symptoms. Among them are the following:
- Poor coordination.
- Chronic tension headaches.
- Exhaustion.
How to Open the Crown Chakra
- Put your hands before your stomach.
- Let the ring fingers point up, touching at their tops.
- Cross the rest of your fingers with the left thumb underneath the right.
- Concentrate on the Crown chakra at the top of your head. Chant the sound NG.
Warning: don’t use this meditation for the Crown chakra; you don’t have a strong Root chakra (you need a strong foundation first).
Balancing the Crown Chakra
While many of us have experienced and will experience the opening of the seventh Chakra, few people can sustain it long-term.
To live with an open Crown Chakra is to trust and accept all of the suffering and injustice in the world.
For most of us, this is too much to bear, and we cannot begin to hold the wounds and suffering of all of humanity until we have worked through our own.
This is why exploring the shadows and challenges of the lower six Chakras is necessary to open the crown.
Here are ways to balance your Crown Chakra.
- Get to know your cycles.
- The best way to experience the Crown Chakra physically is to connect with the body’s cycles.
- This may mean sleeping earlier and waking up at sunrise for a few weeks to strengthen your circadian rhythm.
- For women, tracking their menstrual cycle and noting the moon’s phases at different points in their cycle can be a great way to access the wisdom of the crown.
- Notice the connections between your body and the great cycles of the universe.
- Contemplate the right question.
- The key to opening the Crown Chakra is a straightforward question: “How can I best serve the whole?”
- If there is any time in your life (meditation, journaling, coaching, conversation) when you are asking about your purpose, change the question from “What is my purpose?” to “How can I best serve the whole?”
- Meditate on this question and write down whatever thoughts arise.
- Simply asking this question activates the Crown Chakra.
- Cultivate the feeling of awe.
- There are many ways to do this, but spending time in nature is the most potent.
- Get into the mountains or stare out at the ocean and feel the humility of how small we are.
- Stargaze under the vast night sky and try to catch as many sunrises and sunsets as possible.
- Let nature move you with her majesty.
- Be of service.
- Being of service is a great way to nourish the Crown Chakra.
- Find a community or a cause that inspires you, and offer your time or resources.
- It doesn’t matter whether your service is spending 10 minutes making impactful email introductions or your Saturday at a beach cleanup.
- The intention to serve the whole is medicine.
Crown Chakra Advice
Making joy and happiness a priority, sleep/naps, laughing, funny movies/books, prayer or reading scripture, astrology, nighttime, releasing any draining entanglements with others, and following the divine will.