The Heart Chakra is the center of love and nurturing. Be open to receiving the love available to you now, the free-flowing love that is your birthright.
What are Chakras?

Chakras are the “Subtle Energy” center and part of your “Energy Body.”
Throughout history, several philosophies, mystic traditions, religions, and alternative medicine frameworks have included the concept of state, which is connected to overall health and the evolution of consciousness.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, disc, or circle and refers to the shape of this subtle energy structure.
However, accounts seen through clairvoyance describe them as a cone with a tip close to a person’s skin.
As non-physical structures, they belong to the extra-physical dimension.
Therefore, you cannot feel them using your physical senses, such as touch or sight.
Detecting their existence involves perceiving your bio-energies (subtle energies) through psychic ability.
And yes, you can learn and perceive yours through study, technique, and persistence without including religious beliefs, rituals, or innate skills.
The number of Chakras and their position varies considerably depending on which source you are consulting.
In conscientiology, a neo-science of consciousness, the model adopted includes seven main ones while acknowledging that the number can be in the tens of thousands when counting the secondary and peripheral ones.

The Heart Chakra is the center of love and nurturing.
Be open to receiving the love available to you now, the free-flowing love that is your birthright.
Live in balance with others. Let your Heart’s energy flow freely in and out. There is an infinite supply of love.
When balanced, it brings compassion, peace, and love.
Center of the chest, just above the Heart.
Love and Balance.
Love, joy, and inner peace.
Rose Quartz.
This Chakra is associated with the color Green.
“When I love myself, loving others comes easily.”
Bija Mantra
“I love.”
When the Heart Chakra Develops
21-28 years old.
When the Heart Chakra is Blocked
When the Heart Chakra is blocked or misaligned, you’ll struggle to relate to others.
You may be less compassionate than usual and may be impatient.
You’ll commonly find it harder than usual to trust and won’t feel at peace.
Instead, you’ll feel restless and disgruntled.
A closed Heart Chakra can give way to grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others, especially when holding a grudge against something or someone.
Holding onto hurt harbors negative feelings and removes you from opportunities to love.
A blocked Heart Chakra can also manifest physically.
Some Chakra experts think such misalignment may be linked to high blood pressure and low immune system function.
Symptoms of a blocked Heart Chakra include the following:
- Restlessness
- Difficulty trusting others
- Impatience and irritability
- Lack of empathy
Some of the physical symptoms of a blocked Heart Chakra can include the following:
However, note that these issues can, of course, have purely biological roots.
- Insomnia
- Increase in blood pressure
- A decrease in immune system function
How to Open the Heart Chakra
- Sit cross-legged. Let the tips of your index finger and thumb touch.
- Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (so a bit above the solar plexus).
- Concentrate on the Heart chakra at the spine, level with the Heart.
- Chant the sound YAM.
Balancing the Heart Chakra
If you want to open your Heart Chakra, loving others is not enough—you must also cultivate bold self-love.
We are not dying of heartbreak because we do not know how to love one another.
We are dying of heartbreak because we do not love ourselves!
Many of us are cloaked in too much armor to receive love from others fully.
Unconditional love cannot be shared or received until self-love has been generated and sustained.
This is the work of the Heart Chakra.
Here are ways to balance your Heart Chakra.
- Pay attention to your posture.
- Most of us are walking around like hunchbacks, unconsciously closing our hearts.
- Begin to become aware of your posture while sitting, standing, and walking.
- Straighten the spine, engage the core, open the front of your chest, and drop your shoulders.
- Check in frequently to ensure you don’t lose it, and notice if you feel somewhat vulnerable in specific scenarios.
- Write a love letter.
- Spend some time writing to yourself.
- Tell yourself all the things you love about yourself.
- Write as if you are writing to the love of your life.
- Eventually, that is who you will become.
- Try a metta meditation.
- Close your eyes and visualize yourself sitting in front of you.
- Wish yourself the following:
- May I feel safe?
- May I be healthy?
- May I be joyful?
- May I know, love?
- Next, visualize someone you love or appreciate.
- Wish them the exact phrases of loving-kindness:
- May they feel safe.
- May they be healthy.
- May they be joyful.
- May they know love.
- Next, visualize someone you have a conflict with or find challenging.
- I wish them the same:
- May they feel safe.
- May they be healthy.
- May they be joyful.
- May they know love.
- Sit in meditation for five minutes, bathing in the feelings you have generated for yourself and others.
- Participate in a service or volunteer activity.
- Being of service is an opportunity to give unconditionally.
- Choose an activity that allows you to interact with others who may be suffering in ways you are not.
- Being of service is a way to generate compassion and experience how your compassion for others affects your well-being.
Heart Chakra Advice
Spending time with family, pets, forgiveness, reiki, open-heartedness, touch — with a partner, dance, massage, peace, healing past relationships, letting go, trusting in unconditional love… giving and receiving unconditional love.