What is the MBTI INTJ “Architect” Personality Type?
People with INTJ Personality Type are often described as intellectual, analytical, and the mastermind.
They are complex problem-solvers eager to improve systems and processes with innovative ideas and are drawn to logical systems.
Architects are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions.
They approach life by analyzing the theory behind what they see and are typically focused inward on their thoughtful study of the world around them.
They have a talent for seeing the possibilities for improvement, whether at work, home, or in themselves.
Architects are typically independent and selective about their relationships, preferring to associate with people they find intellectually stimulating.
With Introverted Intuition as their dominant function, Architects are interested in deep abstract concepts and ideas like INFJs.
With Extraverted Thinking as their top extraverted function, architects are judges and use objective reasoning when making decisions.
Architects will go with their gut feeling, which comes from their Introverted Feelings. They like to gather the facts with their Extraverted Sensing, which is their lowest function.
Architects are introverted, preferring time alone to think things through. They are structured, like to plan, and prefer closure.
Architects are “Abstract Judgers” with Introverted Intuition and Extraverted Thinking. When threatened, they will use a more abstract way of proving that you have done something wrong. And they may behave with the Blammer Satir Communication Style.
INTJ Personality Type cross-reference
- Keirsey Type – Mastermind
- Temperament Type – Choleric
- Animal Type – Lion
- DISC Type – Dominant
- Socio-Communicative Type – Driver
- True Colors – Green
- Color Code – Red
- Personality Compass – North
- Occupational Type – Enterprising
- Learning Type – Activist
- Leadership Type – Dominator
Enneagram Types
The Enneagram is a Personality Typing System comprising nine different types.

Dominant Function – Introverted Intuition
- They use introverted intuition to look at patterns, meanings, and possibilities.
- Rather than simply looking at concrete facts, they are more interested in what these facts mean.
- People with this personality type enjoy thinking about the future and exploring possibilities.
- When remembering events, they may recall impressions more than exact details of what occurred.
- They are good at “reading between the lines” to determine what things might mean.
AuxiliaryFunction – Extraverted Thinking
- As a secondary function in the INTJ personality, extraverted thinking leads people to seek order, control, and structure in the world around them.
- For this reason, they can be deliberate and methodical when approaching problems.
- People with this personality type tend to make decisions based on logic.
- They organize their thoughts to see cause-and-effect relationships.
Tertiary Function – Introverted Feeling
- They use introverted feelings, but because they are tertiary functions, they do so to a lesser degree than they use the dominant and auxiliary functions.
- Those who develop this aspect of their personalities more fully pay greater attention to values and feelings when making decisions.
- As a result, they may also feel more drawn to people and activities that align with their values.
Inferior Function – Extraverted Sensing
- They tend to be the least developed in their cognitive functions, but they still exert some influence.
- This function allows people to experience and process information through their senses.
- When this function is active, people may feel that they are living in the moment and energized by the world around them.
INTJ Traits
INTJs are analytical, determined, and intensely individualistic. They struggle with people who make decisions based on emotions and traditional social niceties.
Their primary function is Introverted Intuition, in which they process data internally through their intuition.
Their auxiliary function is Extraverted Thinking, in which they approach situations with empirical logic. They look at the big picture and focus on abstract information rather than concrete details.
INTJs emphasize logic and objective information more than subjective emotions and are deeply motivated by inspiration.
They dislike route memorization and learn best when they can develop a learning system that allows them to become absorbed into the subject.
INTJs prefer to work alone and can be unwilling to adapt to new environments. They like their world to feel controlled and ordered, so they want to plan well in advance.
- Enjoys theoretical and abstract concepts
- High expectations
- Good at listening
- Takes criticism well
- Self-confident and hard-working
- Can be overly analytical and judgmental
- Very perfectionistic
- Dislikes talking about emotions
- Sometimes, it seems callous or insensitive
INTJ Relationships
- They are solitary and self-sufficient, so establishing friendships can sometimes be challenging.
- People with this personality type tend to think a lot about the future, and they may avoid getting to know people because they believe that a long-term friendship will not work out.
- The good news is that while INTJs may not have many friends, they become very close and committed to those who persist.
- They prefer friends who are also introverted, rational, and low on emotional drama.
Personal Relationships
- People with this personality type are introverted and spend much time in their minds.
- They work best by themselves and strongly prefer solo work to group work.
- While they tend not to be particularly interested in other people’s thoughts and feelings, they care about the emotions of the select people with whom they are close.
- In personal relationships, they are willing to devote time and energy toward making these relationships successful.
- Other people often interpret them as cool, aloof, and disinterested, challenging to form new friendships.
- People with this personality type often see little value in social rituals and small talk, making it even more challenging to get to know them.
- They tend to be reserved and prefer to interact with a group of close family and friends.
Partner Relationships
- Because INTJs can be challenging to get to know, romantic relationships can sometimes falter.
- If your partner has this personality type, it is essential to know that loyalty and understanding are necessary.
- Don’t be afraid to show that you are dedicated to your INTJ partner, but don’t pressure them to spill their emotions.
- Communication is also critical. Rather than expecting your partner to pick up on your subtle cues, focus on being straightforward or blunt about what you desire.
- INTJ parents tend to be thoughtful and attentive, yet they are typically not highly affectionate.
- They have high expectations for their kids and offer support by helping kids think logically when faced with decisions.
- Parents with this personality type encourage their kids to be self-directed critical thinkers capable of solving problems independently.
- If your child is an INTJ, focus on encouraging your child’s intellectual strengths, but try to find a balance that avoids excessive perfectionism.
- You can also help your child develop their emotional strengths and find ways to express their feelings.
INTJ Careers
- When INTJs develop an interest in something, they strive to become as knowledgeable and skilled as possible.
- They have high expectations and hold themselves to the highest possible standards.
- INTJs are good at gathering information from the outside world, analyzing it, and reaching new insights.
- People with this personality type tend to be very analytical and logical.
- They value information, knowledge, and intelligence and make excellent scientists and mathematicians.
- They tend to do particularly well in fields that require efficiency and the interpretation of complex information, such as engineering, academia, law, and research.
- INTJs typically do well in careers that integrate their strong ability to understand and evaluate complex information with their ability to put this knowledge into practice.
- Careers that allow the INTJ to work independently and autonomously are also ideal.