The Root Chakra is the center of survival and our relation to the physical world. When balanced, it brings health, security, and prosperity.
What are Chakras?

Chakras are the “Subtle Energy” center and part of your “Energy Body.”
Throughout history, several philosophies, mystic traditions, religions, and alternative medicine frameworks have included the concept of state, which is connected to overall health and the evolution of consciousness.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, disc, or circle and refers to the shape of this subtle energy structure.
However, accounts seen through clairvoyance describe them as a cone with a tip close to a person’s skin.
As non-physical structures, they belong to the extra-physical dimension.
Therefore, you cannot feel them using your physical senses, such as touch or sight.
Detecting their existence involves perceiving your bio-energies (subtle energies) through psychic ability.
And yes, you can learn and perceive yours through study, technique, and persistence without including religious beliefs, rituals, or innate skills.
The number of Chakras and their position varies considerably depending on which source you are consulting.
In conscientiology, a neo-science of consciousness, the model adopted includes seven main ones while acknowledging that the number can be in the tens of thousands when counting the secondary and peripheral ones.

The Root Chakra is the center of survival and our relation to the physical world.
When balanced, it brings health, security, and prosperity.
Blocked, however, we feel threatened, as if we’re standing on unstable ground.
When open, we feel confident in our ability to withstand challenges and stand on our own two feet.
The earth supports you and meets your needs—Immerse in its abundance. Love your body and trust its wisdom.
The base of the spine is in the tailbone area.
Survival issues such as financial independence, money, and food.
This Chakra is associated with the color Red.
“I exist.”
“I can’t grow from an unsteady foundation.”
Bija Mantra
When the Root Chakra Develops
1-7 years old.
When the Root Chakra is Blocked
You may feel threatened, panicked, or anxious if your Root Chakra is blocked.
This anxiety can easily infiltrate your thoughts, making everything suddenly feel uncertain.
You may also find that you can’t concentrate and are constantly preoccupied with worries about your well-being.
In some people, this can manifest as hypochondria or general paranoia.
Physical issues potentially caused by a blocked Root Chakra include a sore lower back, low energy levels, and cold extremities.
Physically, the first Chakra is associated with problems in the colon, bladder, elimination, lower back, leg, or feet.
Some of the most common Root Chakra problems and symptoms include the following:
- An increase in your anxiety levels
- Feeling threatened or unsafe
- Panic attacks or panic attack symptoms (like hyperventilation or a racing heart)
- Negativity towards yourself and others
- Concentration difficulties
- An unhealthy relationship with food (e.g., starving, binging, or purging)
- Low self-confidence Doubts about things you used to take for granted
- Trouble making decisions
- Excessive reliance on external feedback
- Hypochondria
Physical symptoms of a blocked or misaligned Root Chakra include the following:
- Back pain
- Lethargy
- Digestive discomfort
- Pain in the legs
- Cold hands and feet
How to Open the Root Chakra
- Let the tips of your thumb and index finger touch.
- Concentrate on the Root chakra at the spot between the genitals and the anus.
- Chant the sound, LAM.
Balancing the Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is often thought of as providing energy to other Chakras, so if it’s blocked or unbalanced, your other Chakras likely are as well.
Just like a building, ensuring that your Chakras have a firm foundation—with a balanced root Chakra—is crucial to having a healthy, open Chakra system.
For example, your root Chakra might need balancing if you feel controlling, quick to anger, undriven, and self-conscious.
When your root Chakra is balanced, you have energy and self-confidence rather than arrogance or fear, and you feel calm, centered, and ready for what life brings.
Here are easy tips for balancing your Root Chakra.
- Envision the color red glowing brightly at the base of the spine, where this Chakra is located, which is the beginning of root Chakra cleansing and balancing.
- Start with the simple meditation of imaging a bright red light at the base of your tailbone.
- Picture this red light extending down your legs and feet, grounding you to the earth.
- Dance is good, and it does not matter that you think you “can’t dance.”
- This is one of the best ways to balance this Chakra.
- Even better—turn on music and sing along, as singing cleanses your throat Chakra for a bonus.
- Mindfully moving is a powerful form of meditation.
- Concentrate on your foot, leaving the ground and connecting to the earth again with each step.
- You’ll give your mind a break and cleanse your root Chakra simultaneously.
Root Chakra Advice
Grounding to the earth, gardening, massage, drumming, running or jogging, nature, spending time at the beach or ocean, and knowing that earth and heaven always provide for you.