The Sacral Chakra is related to sensuality, sexuality, and desire for pleasure and is the center of sensuality and emotion.
What are Chakras?

Absorb information from your feelings. Embrace and celebrate your sexuality.
Chakras are the “Subtle Energy” center and part of your “Energy Body.”
Throughout history, several philosophies, mystic traditions, religions, and alternative medicine frameworks have included the concept of state, which is connected to overall health and the evolution of consciousness.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, disc, or circle and refers to the shape of this subtle energy structure.
However, accounts seen through clairvoyance describe them as a cone with a tip close to a person’s skin.
As non-physical structures, they belong to the extra-physical dimension.
Therefore, you cannot feel them using your physical senses, such as touch or sight.
Detecting their existence involves perceiving your bio-energies (subtle energies) through psychic ability.
And yes, you can learn and perceive yours through study, technique, and persistence without including religious beliefs, rituals, or innate skills.
The number of Chakras and their position varies considerably depending on which source you are consulting.
In conscientiology, a neo-science of consciousness, the model adopted includes seven main ones while acknowledging that the number can be in the tens of thousands when counting the secondary and peripheral ones.

The Sacral Chakra is related to sensuality, sexuality, and desire for pleasure and is the center of sensuality and emotion.
Absorb information from your feelings. Embrace and celebrate your sexuality.
Life is pleasurable, and you deserve happiness in your life.
When balanced, it brings emotional health, sexual fulfillment, and adaptability.
Lower abdomen, about 2 inches below the navel.
Movement and Connection.
Your sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure, and sexuality.
Tiger’s Eye.
This Chakra is associated with the color Orange.
“I always honor others but not before myself.”
Bija Mantra
“I desire.”
When the Sacral Chakra Develops
8-14 years old.
When the Sacral Chakra is Blocked
When there’s a problem with the Sacral Chakra, you’ll likely feel bored, listless, and uninspired.
This Chakra may be misaligned when you feel creatively uninspired or emotionally unstable.
You may have a low sex drive and possibly fear (or resist) change.
Physical symptoms associated with a blocked Sacral Chakra include urinary discomfort, increased allergies, and an attraction to addictive behaviors.
These need not be related to drug or alcohol use. For example, shopping addiction, gambling, and eating issues can all be linked to problems with the Sacral Chakra.
Likewise, this can also be associated with physical and sexual dysfunction while potentially experiencing fear of change, depression, or addiction-like behaviors.
Some of the most common problems and symptoms include the items on this list:
- Boredom.
- Feeling easily offended.
- Lack of creative inspiration.
- Fear of change.
- Guilt about the past.
- Low self-worth.
- Jealousy.
- Addictive behaviors include the unhealthy use of drugs or alcohol, excessive spending, sexual compulsions, gambling problems, and overeating.
Physical manifestations of trouble include the following:
- Low energy.
- Reduced libido.
- Bladder discomfort.
- Worsened allergy symptoms.
How to Open the Sacral Chakra
- Put your hands in your lap, with palms facing upward.
- The back of the right hand rests on the left palm.
- The tips of the thumbs touch gently.
- Concentrate on the lower back at the sacral bone.
- Chant the sound VAM.
Balancing the Sacral Chakra
When the Sacral Chakra is out of balance, symptoms include—but aren’t limited to—attachment issues, sexually-related guilt, timidity, emotional volatility, hypersensitivity, and trust issues.
If this Chakra is underactive, a person can act disconnected entirely and cold towards others or needy and emotionally dependent if it is overactive.
This Chakra is your most important emotional center, and because of this, most of us will experience an imbalance here at some point.
Here are ways to balance this Chakra.
- Dance like no one’s watching.
- Dancing is one of the best—and easiest—ways to open this Chakra.
- Get out with friends as you move your hips to your favorite rhythm.
- Taking care of your body and keeping your muscles strong and healthy is also essential.
Visualize Orange
- Orange is the Sacral Chakra’s color.
- Imagine a bright, healing orange glow filling your lower abdomen—remember, we’re three-dimensional.
Balance your other Chakras
- A severe imbalance in one Chakra almost always means imbalances in other Chakras.
- Your Throat Chakra, particularly, has strong connections to your Sacral Chakra.
- You can also try working a pose-like bridge to connect with many of your Chakras simultaneously, flowing slowly in and out of the posture as you connect your breath and movement.
- Learning to let go—of unhealthy emotions, people, and memories—is so important.
Sacral Chakra Advice
Comforting textures/sensations like soft fabrics, baths, massage, acupuncture… dance, swimming, orgasm, yoga, creating art, creating your life experience, focusing on intention more than the outcome.