Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence

The Intelligence Quotient, or IQ for short, is considered “the” measurement of a person’s “Intellectual Potential” and something you’re born with.
There are multiple intelligences, and many feel that a person’s emotional Intelligence is the most important.
There are two specific types of Intelligence that IQ Tests typically measure.
First, there is Crystallized Intelligence, which is “Accumulated Knowledge” gathered through formal education and the person’s personal life experiences.
Crystallized Intelligence continues to grow throughout your entire life. The more you learn and experience, the more you build up your Crystallized Intelligence.
The other type of Intelligence is fluid Intelligence, which is about your capability to use “Abstract reasoning” when solving problems.
Fluid Intelligence is “Independent” from “Learned Knowledge.” This means that it’s not something you learn; it’s more like a scaled capability that people have.
For instance, when you encounter a problem you can’t solve with your existing knowledge, you use Fluid Intelligence and reasoning to solve it.
Fluid Intelligence is considered generic and biological, meaning basically, it is something you’re born with, somewhat fixed, and begins to decline after adolescence.
However, research has shown that proper brain and body health can improve Fluid Intelligence, even in older adults.
How IQ is Scored

The mean IQ score is 100, with a standard deviation of 15 points.
This means roughly 68% of the population scores between 85 and 115.
You’re considered above average if you score between 115 and 130. And with a score between 130 and 145, you’re considered pretty smart.
You’re considered gifted if you score between 145 and 160. And above this, you’re exceptionally and profoundly proficient.
To join Mensa, you must score in the 98th percentile on an approved IQ test, but anyone can take their 30-minute Brain Workout for free online.
What’s the Smartest Personality Type

Some Personality Types are “pre-wired” to think in abstract terms well.
The INTP Thinker, INTJ Architect, INFP Mediator, INFJ Advocate, ENTP Debater, ENFP Champion, ENTJ Commander, and ENFJ Giver all have Intuition as their topmost dominant Cognitive Function.
Intuition is the ability to connect the dots, which are the facts and details and other beads (facts and details) from previous situations.
Dominant Introverted Intuition “IN” types, like the Advocate and Architect types, look for deep connections when connecting the dots. Thus, they like to practice deep abstract thinking.
Dominate Extraverted Intuition “EN” types, like the Debater and Champion types, like to find broad connections across the dots. They like to look for similarities and differences between the dots.
It should come without much surprise that these personality types score well on IQ Tests because they like to (and practice) thinking in abstract terms.
What’s the Average IQ by State
These are just averages, so there is the decimal point, but an actual IQ is never scored to the decimal point.
- Massachusetts – 104.3
- New Hampshire – 104.2
- North Dakota – 103.8
- Vermont – 103.8
- Minnesota – 103.7
- Maine – 103.4
- Montana – 103.4
- Iowa – 103.2
- Connecticut – 103.1
- Wisconsin – 102.9
- Kansas – 102.8
- New Jersey – 102.8
- South Dakota – 102.8
- Wyoming – 102.4
- Nebraska – 102.3
- Virginia – 101.9
- Washington – 101.9
- Ohio – 101.8
- Indiana – 101.7
- Colorado – 101.6
- Pennsylvania – 101.5
- Idaho – 101.4
- Oregon – 101.2
- Utah – 101.1
- Missouri – 101
- New York – 100.7
- Michigan – 100.5
- Delaware – 100.4
- North Carolina – 100.2
- Texas – 100
- Illinois – 99.9
- Maryland – 99.7
- Rhode Island – 99.5
- Kentucky – 99.4
- Oklahoma – 99.3
- Alaska – 99
- West Virginia – 98.7
- Florida – 98.4
- South Carolina – 98.4
- Georgia – 98
- Tennessee – 97.7
- Arkansas – 97.5
- Arizona – 97.4
- Nevada – 96.5
- Alabama – 95.7
- New Mexico – 95.7
- Hawaii – 95.6
- California – 95.5
- Louisiana – 95.3
- Mississippi – 94.2
How to increase your Crystallized Intelligence
Be open to new experiences and seek out new things to do and learn.
If possible, try to resume the music training you started as a child or start now. The brain-enhancing benefits of music lessons taken during childhood can follow into adulthood and last a lifetime.
Learning to play music is the equivalent of giving your brain a full-body workout; it lights up your entire brain on intellectual fire and has a lasting impact on math and spatial reasoning skills.
And the benefits of Visual Arts programs are equally impressive. Art lessons improve brain plasticity and attention in both adults and children.
According to neuroscience, learning a foreign language makes your brain grow because the language centers in the brain expand, which eventually helps with other language tasks like negotiating, reading, and problem-solving.
If you want your brain to work its best, feed it high-powered fuel
Some of the best foods for the brain include berries, walnuts, avocado, eggs, olive oil, coconut oil, dark chocolate, cold-water fish, and turmeric. Fish oil has a very positive effect on brain health and function.
And make sure the bulk of your diet consists of unprocessed foods. An extensive study of one million students found that eating a diet free of preservatives, artificial dyes, and flavorings resulted in an impressive 14% boost in IQ.
Research shows that smoking can lower your IQ by 7 points. For example, a study published in 2010 found that the average IQ for a non-smoking person was about 101, while the average for those who smoked was 94. And found that those who smoked more than a pack a day had an IQ even lower at around 90.
Drinking moderation promotes health and longevity, protects your brain, and keeps you mentally sharp as you age. For example, moderately drunk seniors decrease their risk of dementia by up to 60%.
Physical exercise promotes the flow of oxygen, glucose, and nutrients to your brain.
It’s also one of the best ways to stimulate neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to alter its structure and function.
Brain plasticity is associated with increased Intelligence and larger brain volume; even as little as one 30-minute exercise session will enhance brain plasticity.
The neuroscience is clear: aerobic exercise is perfect for your brain. Working out raises your IQ far more than playing an online brain game.
A Swedish study showed that Cardiovascular Fitness could raise your Verbal Intelligence by 50%.