Throat Chakra – Vishuddha

You hear and speak the truth.

You express yourself with clear intent.

Do not suppress your beautiful voice.

Speak your truth, sing your joy, and emanate your love through the vibration of your words.

Creativity flows in and through you. Your voice is necessary for your growth.

The communication and creativity center allows personal and artistic expression and ingenuity when balanced.

When this Chakra flows at optimum levels, you can ask for what you need.

Throat Chakra Location


Throat Chakra Purpose

Communication and Creativity.

Throat Chakra Controls

Communication, self-expression, and truth.

Throat Chakra Element


Throat Chakra Stone


Throat Chakra Color

This Chakra is associated with the color Light Blue/Turquoise.

When the Throat Chakra Develops

29-35 years old.

Throat Chakra Mantra

"I speak my truth, always."

Throat Chakra Message

“I express”.

Throat Chakra Bija Mantra


When the Throat Chakra is Blocked

A blocked Throat Chakra primarily manifests in an inability to say what you want to say. As a result, you may feel stuck holding onto secrets.

Similarly, you may believe that people don’t want to hear your thoughts or that you can’t find the right words for your feelings. 

A small blockage may mean you only struggle with self-expression at work or with a particular friend.

Meanwhile, a significant misalignment may mean you constantly feel thwarted in communication.

In addition to having trouble speaking your truth, you find it hard to pay attention and stay focused or fear judgment from others—which can further hinder your ability to keep it accurate.

Physically, this blockage can manifest itself as a sore throat, thyroid issues, neck and shoulder stiffness, or tension headaches.

Symptoms of a blocked Throat Chakra include the following:
  • Difficulty saying what you want to
  • Lacking the vocabulary to describe your emotions
  • Feeling like you’re holding onto too many secrets
  • A sense that people don’t know the “real you”
Physical problems caused by a misaligned Throat Chakra can include one or more of the following:
  • A sore throat
  • Erratic fluctuations in hormone levels
  • A stiff or achy neck

Balancing the Throat Chakra

A balanced Throat Chakra is capable of communicating truth. Therefore, there are no misunderstandings or missed connections when the Throat Chakra is open.

The voice of someone with an open Throat Chakra can change the world with words, pitch, and vibration. For the Throat Chakra to open, the message must be so authentic,

Here are ways to balance your Throat Chakra.

  • Practice the Cat-cow yoga pose.
  • Begin in a table-top position on your hands and knees.
  • As you inhale, arch your spine toward the ground, dropping the belly; gaze up and create a backbend shape in the spine for a cow pose.
  • The neck extends at the end of the movement, opening the throat.
  • As you exhale, pull the navel back toward the spine, arching the spine toward the sky for a cat pose.
  • The crown of the head drops at the end of the movement, closing or gently constricting the throat.
  • As you inhale, the whole front of the body opens, and as you exhale, the front body curls in, and the back body opens.
  • This complete spine movement creates compression and opening in the throat.
  • Move slowly with your breath for three to seven minutes. 
  • Communicate with awareness.
  • Share your current life goals and dreams with a friend.
  • As you speak, become aware of when your language choices become an obstacle to manifestation.
  • Notice where you are saying, "I can't," "I haven't," or "I am not."
  • Correct yourself whenever you make a statement that does not reflect your goals as a reality.
  • The more you practice this, the more your language will become a vehicle to manifest effectively. 
  • Sing to yourself as a child.
  • Singing is one of the best ways to explore your voice.
  • Singing can also bring up a lot of emotions, including shame, discomfort, and embarrassment.
  • So start by singing only to yourself at home, and choose songs that elicit many memories and emotions.
  • Try visualizing yourself as a child and sing your childhood self a lullaby.
  • As you become more comfortable with your voice, share your singing in public while walking down the street or sing to your family and friends.
  • Notice the range, words, and pitch most comfortable.
  • Practice a mantra.
  • Chanting a mantra aloud is a great way to consciously direct vibration into the world.
  • In Kundalini yoga, "Sat Nam" is a powerful and popular mantra.
  • It means "truth is my identity." Practice chanting "Sat Nam" for three to 11 minutes daily.
  • You can also get creative and make up your mantra.
  • Choose a positive affirmation that supports your current life goals.
  • Chant it aloud daily.

Throat Chakra Advice

Song... chant, hum, whistle, sing, play a musical instrument... journaling, chiropractic, fasting, silence, retreats, speaking your truth, speaking (or singing!) your heart song.

How to Open the Throat Chakra

  • ​Cross your fingers on the inside of your hands without the thumbs.
  • Let the thumbs touch at the tops, and pull them slightly up.
  • Concentrate on the Throat chakra at the base of the throat.
  • Chant the sound HAM.