Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7)
The Generalised Anxiety Disorder Assessment (GAD-7) is a seven-item instrument that is used to measure or assess the severity of generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).
Although designed as a screening tool for generalized anxiety, the GAD-7 is also performs reasonably well as a screening tool for three other common anxiety disorders—Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.
The GAD-7 was developed by Drs. Robert L. Spitzer,
Janet B.W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke and colleagues, with an educational
grant from Pfizer Inc.
Spitzer RL, Kroenke K, Williams JBW, Lowe B. A brief measure for assessing generalized anxiety
disorder. Arch Inern Med. 2006;166:1092-1097.